serving DARWIN 2012-17

Making Darwin Great Again- Go With Gary

City of Darwin Council has millions of dollars in parking reserves. 

A lot of this money has been collected from developers as a penalty with the express promise that it be spent on providing near-by car parking. Council has no intention of ever spending this money. Collecting this money with no intention of spending it is dishonest.

Every Council that is elected adopts a plan to spend some of the money right at the end of that Councils term. Somehow something comes up that means it is deferred to the next Council.

The 21st Council has no excuse, it has had an extra 18 months to do something, still nothing has been done to increase parking in the CBZ. The exact opposite has happened,  on-street parking has been reduced for garden beds and on street drinking areas.

Furthermore, consultants have advised the Lord Mayor and Aldermen not to increase car parking numbers in the CBZ. Instead they advised that as demand increases Council can charge more. The consultants advised Council that the harvest of cash will steadily grow. Once it reaches around $25 a day per parking bay, parking will become profitable for private developers to start harvesting the public. Then private developers would build parking structures meaning the Council would not have to. I oppose this plan and have been the only one to vote against its implementation.

The harvesting of money from developers is counterproductive (it is in effect a tax on development that goes nowhere not generating a benefit to the community at all). It is also a disincentive to those who would invest their own capital into developing Darwin’s CBZ.

I have even heard some Alderman asking the question if we could have the rules changed so they can spend the money on other things like bicycles and green transportation methods to reduce private car usage. They have often complained that some parking is cheaper than taking the bus. I think it is arrogant to presume to dictate how others would live their lives when you are in a position of more privilege.       

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Authorised by G Haslett Darwin