serving DARWIN 2012-17

Making Darwin Great Again- Go With Gary

At the First Ordinary Council Meeting 16th May 2017 the 21st City of Darwin Council adopted a draft of the Municipal Pan and Budget to be put out to consultation for the community. I had my say on the night. See below:

This budget seems reasonable. It is certainly the lowest increase of this Council Term.
I don't want to be cynicale! But I will state the obvious; we have local government elections in August. 

I just wonder what the increase will be next year when things get back to "Normal"

This Council the 21st Council has collected over $18 Million more rates than the previous 20th council did. We started with a 10 year financial plan with 4.5% increases every year. We got as high as 5.5% one year.

Let us focus on this year. The Council just started work on a $900,000 playground. A playground that is opposed by many local residents and was initiated by a southern consultant. I doubt if it was not built that we would have protest meetings like that seen to save the roundabout. This council is out of touch!
The point is that not building the playground would save almost 2% of a rate increase. 

I voted against the 5.5% rate increase, against removal of the roundabout and against the playground. 

Oh and I also voted against the "bike lane to know-where" on the Esplanade. More money wasted! 

The nicety of this budget is lost when you consider the extra $18 million in rate rise over the past 5 years. Where has all the money gone?

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Authorised by G Haslett Darwin